You aren’t the same person at 25, 35 or 55

You put your all into what you do, and it has worked for you. Yet lately... a feeling of unease has crept into your bones.

You wonder where your dreams went, what you are really supposed to be doing and what’s the point of it all 

 • You know what you don’t want, but not yet what you do.

 • You sense that there’s something else out there, but what? 

 • And you’re not sure what to do next. 

 • You feel like you’re living a borrowed life.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

I’m Regan, 

I’ve learned that it’s never too late to design a life that fits the person you have become.

I help midlife professionals who are reassessing their lives to find the courage, confidence and vision to step off the treadmill, figure out what they really want and make it happen.

I can help you find the confidence, clarity and determination to create a life that works for you today. We’ll identify your values and options, face what’s holding you back and get you moving in the right direction.

I’ve burrowed my way through brambles to get to a place that is resonant for me now

Are you feeling stuck in a career that no longer brings you joy? Do you yearn for a change but are unsure of your next move? I’ve been there, too.

Perhaps like you, I am one of the “multipotentials” who have a range of interests and jobs over a lifetime.

I’ve learned that we have many lives within us, and more choices than we think at each stage as we evolve.

But I used to think that there was only one right career, one way of life waiting out there for me. I was haunted by that “what will you do when you grow up?” question, the “do what you love” exhortation and the need to get it right.

When I started out, I knew only that I “was visual” and that I wanted to return from New York to Paris. 

But I didn’t have a sounding board to help me think through what I wanted to be and do in life, or to tell me to listen to the wisdom of my gut.

I seized opportunities and tried to fit other people’s ideas about me, still with that quest for a “perfect fit” at the back of my mind. I became a book editor and fashion journalist, photo stylist, copywriter, translator, language teacher and consultant.

At a period of personal changes, I felt a growing need for something more creative and challenging, yet I couldn’t put my finger on what I wanted instead. So I did a global MBA in fashion management, but found that this wasn’t it either.

But when some of my classmates consulted me on their change of career- and consequently, their personal relationships - I found my own next step- supporting others in finding their own path through the changing circumstances of their lives.

I trained as a a career transition coach, certified by the International Coaching Federation and Designing Your Life, and moved from central Paris to the English countryside.

Victoria S.

“I am much happier than when we started.”

Regan has helped me on a journey to rediscover my life after many challenging changes happened at the same time and overwhelmed me. She has helped me to better understand the emotional, intellectual, creative and practical aspects of my personality, and to face in to my dark place and find that it isn't as dark as I had thought. I am much happier than when we started. My journey hasn't finished, I am working with Regan to imagine what the next phase of my life is going to look like, taking a holistic approach, knowing that I have choices.

You’ve fulfilled expectations- from school to career to family- and you’ve done it well.

But now that the children are grown and you are reaching the peak of your career, you wonder what best to do with the freedom of your encore life.

You sense that there is something else for you out there but are not sure how to access it. Your possibilities and priorities have evolved, and as your skills and experiences grown.

But when you’ve been living within one job, one field, one lifestyle for a while, it can be difficult to imagine doing things differently.

And you wonder “Is it too late?”

But it’s not too late to make key adjustments, especially with some expert help from a coach.

Let’s work together to explore your priorities and options in life and clarify your goals. We’ll open up your possibilities, confront your blocks and change perspectives to get you moving in the right direction.

If that sounds good to you, contact me for a no-obligation complimentary call.

My Services

To find out more about which program best suits your needs

  • Start getting unstuck! Three sessions to resolve a particular issue, kickstart your journey, or try out the coaching process with me.

  • An in-depth one-on-one coaching program to explore and define what you want next so you can create a purposeful and fulfilled life to your measure.

  • A supportive , small group program for those who think best when they think together. Using the Renowned Designing Your Life approach, we’ll work together to find out just what you want next in life and how to move toward it.